» Appropriate services and programming based on specific health and behavioral care needs are available
» Planned activities take place (ask to see activity schedule; note if the activity listed at the time of your visit is occurring)
» Activities are available on the weekends or during evenings
» Activities are designed to meet specific needs, interests and abilities
» Transportation is available for medical appointments and shopping for personal items
» Care planning sessions are held regularly
» Therapies available such as physical, occupational, speech and recreational
» Religious services and celebrations available to residents
» Personal care is done with respect and dignity; personal care times flexible, based on individual’s schedule
» Residents are comfortable, relaxed and involved in activities
» Residents are well-groomed, clean and dressed appropriately
» Rate of falls for residents
» Residents with psychiatric illness as their primary diagnosis on the same unit as residents with dementia
» Facility is free of unpleasant odors
» Indoor space allows for freedom of movement and promotes independence
» Indoor and outdoor areas are safe, secure and monitored
» The facility is easy to navigate
» There is a designated family visiting area
» Resident rooms are clean and spacious
» Residents are allowed to bring familiar items with them, such as photos, bedding a chair
» There are regular meal and snack times
» Food is appetizing (ask to see the weekly menu and come for a meal)
» The dining environment is pleasant
» Family and friends are able to join at mealtime
» Staff have a plan for monitoring adequate nutrition
» Staff are able to provide for any special dietary needs
» Staff provide appropriate assistance based on person's abilities (for example, encouragement during meals or assisted feeding in advanced stages)
» There are no environmental distractions during meal time (noisy TV etc.)
The operation of the old aged home is mode and executed by the staff according to the plan made by the society member’s and the work will be allocated to the particular persons for particular work and the work starts early in the morning with the main bell and the main bell will be rang exactly at 5.00 AM so that all the old aged people should get up and have to complete their nature calls and have the drinking water and should attend the yoga and meditation classes and the master of meditation will come and take the class and simultaneously the cleaning of rooms will be over worker who has allotted for the said purpose and the breakfast will be ready and will be served between 7.00 AM and 8.00 AM the breakfast timing and after the yoga and meditation classes the old age people should take bath and fresh up and come for breakfast then after completion of the work of breakfast the kitchen people will have to look after the lunch arrangements which will be given at 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM and simultaneously the works such as toilets cleaning house keeping etc. and for the toilets cleaning house keeping etc.
And for the recreation of the old aged people there will be lots of arrangements to be made and as such they can pass their time in watching T.v., gardening or puja , programs which are held at the old aged home at regular 5.00 P.M there will be tea break which will give people the tea and snacks to the old aged and between 8.00 PM to 9.00PM there will be dinner and according to the time schedule proper food in proper schedule time will be served to the old aged people and for all these things, the worker are been allotted with doing of work and the all these worker are have been allotted for doing all these works.