How You Can Support?

Child and Old Age Care (Charity Organization) can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from members of our community without these donation service those in our area would not be possible. Since we believe on the generocity of indivisuals like you, we write to ask you to consider a donation to our cause of noble.

As we are not a bussiness organization, we are providing community health care service to the Child and Old aged persons. Our organization is a non profitable organization and we serve for the society. Sometimes, we need some donation as we struggling to be servived in the society. Make your valuable donation and we will be greatfull to you and we will let you know how we spent your donation.

Donate Money

You may choose one of the following methods for donating us

Online Support
Bank Account Donation

Write a check, deposit cash, or transfer funds to COAC central fundraising account.
The details of our account are as follows:
Account Name: Child and Old Age Care
Account Number: 15011200000044
Bank Name: Premier Bank
Swift code: PRMRBDDH
Routing Number: 235264303
Bank Address: Shyamoli Branch

Write a check, deposit cash, or transfer funds to COAC central fundraising account.
The details of our account are as follows:
Account Name: Child and Old Age Care Foundation
Account Number: 4022788616324
Bank Name: AB Bank
Swift code: ABBLBDDH
Routing Number: 020264000
Bank Address: Rokeya Sarani Branch

Mobile banking

01629 997777 (Agent)

01633 330333 (Merchant)

01622 220222 (Merchant)

01615 554444 (Personal)

01615 5544446 (Personal)

01626 5552223 (Personal)

01620 5552223 (Personal)

01622 220222 (Merchant)

01615 554444 (Personal)

01626 555222 (Personal)

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